Scam Alert


This notice is issued by the Financial Services Authority (“FSA�?) drawing attention to two documents titled as “FSAseychelles Decision�? published on the 10th November, 2020 and the 25th November, 2020 with the FSA logo on the top left corner. 

The content of the document pronounces a decision taken by the FSA to offer refunds under the procedure rolling reserve for two investment firms authorized with number 151/11 of  Alpha Capital (,( and number 151/11  Zurich Trade Finco LTD ( due to these Company’s non-compliance with section 28(1) of the Law.

The FSA would like notify investors and members of the public that this document is not authentic. These documents were not produced by the FSA and is providing false information. The documents make reference to the “Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law of 2007�?, which is contrary to the law in force that regulates such entities.

The two firms mentioned above are not licenced or regulated by the FSA. The FSA would urge investors and members of the public to exercise extreme caution when dealing with these entities.

In addition, the FSA would like to remind stakeholders to be cautious when following links to websites portrayed as being that of the FSA. Please be advised that the correct link for the FSA website is

The Financial Services Authority

December 01st, 2020


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